What surpised you about this summer's trip to Costa Rica? As I reread the journal we kept, many commented on how surprised you were that even with limited common language, communication was not a barrier. Were your surprises about how much we have in common with the families we met or how our lives are so very different? Once comment was "we may speak another language but our core values are extremely similar." What memories pop into your head about our time there? How was your life enriched by the experiences you shared with your new friends in Costa Rica? A mission trip is never over. You will always carry the memories of the people you met. You'll never forget the children that counted on you to be there to play one more game of UNO or to ask you for just one more sparkly foam stick-on for their art project. You'll always remember the worship at Los Guido and the 3 year old "evangelist" who engaged you all in joining in the dance for the Lord.
Returning home is sometimes a let down because you are on a huge "high" while being part of some very special experiences. I know the Brimfield church was waiting for the travelers to share stories the Sunday after returning. It's been fun to watch some of the youth remain in touch on Facebook. Keep sharing the story with others. For it is in that story, God's story is told over and over again. Stay in touch.
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